Colors, Shapes & Styles

Logo • Design Direction • Branding • Marketing

A logo (abbreviation of logotype, from Greek: λόγος logos "word" and τύπος typos "imprint") is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.

So you've decided it's time to have a logo or maybe freshen up an older logo that seems a bit out of date. Whatever the reason, congratulations, this is a fun time for you and we're going to have fun too, developing something you'll LOVE!

Let's start here, what style are you looking for, what colors do you like, how about shapes?  A lot goes into designing a logo and this is the first impression people have of your company or business, so let's make you rock! 


FORM #1:  Logo Order Form Design Brief.

Please fill out info regarding your business & logo style preferences.

Things to remember about logo creation:

  1. Show Your Inner Self

  2. Who Are You Talking To?

  3. Have a Story

  4. Strong Design is Captivating

  5. Less is more

  6. Think Different, be Unique

  7. Color Matters

  8. Think Adaptable Big or Small

  9. Make it Timeless

  10. Fonts say a lot


Color Pallet Samples

COLORS, COLORS, COLORS.....  Color choice preferences – VERY IMPORTANT!  Tell us the colors you like & don’t like, even if you list a few, likes & dislikes really help so we can know what direction you'll like, as well as what to stay away from.  

Click on the picture below to open a list of color combinations.

When you click on the image above and you'll be taken to another page with a wonderful color combination grouping list.  Don't get overwhelmed!  If you see a few you like, that's great and even if you give us a few color ideas to go with, we can take care of the rest.   You can also visit our Color Group page and give the name of color families you like.  Visit Color Group Page HERE.


FORM #2: Open link below to fill out Color Group Preference List

Some people have fun looking at all the color choices (like us) and other folks really have no preference.  Nonetheless, it's a great place to see some nice color combinations, if you see a few you like, let us know the group names in Form #2 above.


Shape Preferences Also very important.  Tell us (in Form 1) any shapes you like & don’t like, please list a few colors of each, likes & dislikes so we can know what to lean toward, as well as stay away from.  


Famous Circle Logos

Famous Square Logos

Famous Oval Logos

Logo • Design Direction • SEO • E-Mail • Branding • Website • Marketing

(Repeat from our Getting Started Page) Here are some things we'll need before starting your logo & branding:

  • Tell us about your business! How did you start? It's also a good idea to write this part down, you can use it in your "about" page later on!

  • Business / Company name to be included.

  • Initials you'd like to use.

  • Anything special we should know, like did your brother make a crest out of the business name 20 years ago that would be cool to incorporate somehow?

  • Styles you prefer - tell us a few logos you like, not to copy but to see your style.

  • Where will this logo be used, business cards, website, brochures, vehicle wrap?

  • Who is your target audience? Homeowners, at home moms, white-collar professionals, children, animal owners, there are so many target audiences!

  • Fonts, what text style do you like, thin, bold, rounded. If you have no preference, we'll find something that suites.


Images – Are there images you prefer and have in mind we should include in your logo and/or website?  Are there things we should not include?  If you have an idea in mind, please let us know because we love creating and we want to make you something you’ll love.   We don't want to put a tree in your new school logo and find out later you hate trees!

Tagline - If you already have one, include it, even if you don’t want it used, (let us know) but it gives us a better idea of how to design.  You might be incorporating your tagline on other material in the future, we want your logo to look great no matter what the situation.  If you’d like us to create a tagline for you, please ask and we’d be glad to help.

From this point, we’ll put a few mock-ups together for you.  With the one style you like the best, we'll put finishing touches on till you love it!  :)  We use several different kinds of fonts to give you a well-rounded idea.  We suggest not rushing on this part either, it's important for branding, it isn’t the only part of branding but it is a large part.  Also, the website will reflect the look and feel of your logo.  Think of this as your centerpiece, it should complement everything but not overpower.  We take the time to understand who you are, translate that into your custom artwork and portray your image in the best light.  We love to help make people shine!